Please consult your local doctor and also check with your health department prior to departure for any changes in health regulations. This is a guideline only.
Please consult your doctor for their recommendations and your previous vaccination history. Please also refer to the following as a useful guide.
Malaria is present in Tanzania and it is strongly advisable to take malaria prophylactics before, during and after your visit. Please consult a medical professional regarding which prophylactics will be suitable for you. In addition, please take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of being bitten by mosquitoes: use insect repellant, sleep under a mosquito net and wear a long-sleeved shirt and long trousers with closed shoes in the evenings.
Yellow Fever
Yellow Fever vaccination is required for travellers who are arriving from, or have transited through, countries with risk of yellow fever transmission. As this requirement does frequently change, especially when transiting through South Africa, we would recommend having a certificate to ensure that you do not experience any problems at the border.
It is a condition of booking, that you carry the correct comprehensive travel and medical insurance to cover yourself, as well as any dependents or travelling companions for the duration of your trip to Africa. This insurance should include cover in respect of, but not limited to, the following eventualities:
Compulsory Insurance
a. emergency evacuation expenses,
b. medical expenses,
c. repatriation expenses,
Recommended Insurance:
a. cancellation or curtailment of trip,
b. damage/theft/loss of personal luggage, money and goods.